Preview: The Path of Exile: Harvest – PS4 from tonghuan's blog

Harvest is the latest expansion of the Path of Exile and will be available on PS4 on June 22. Like the previous update, it brings new items and some changes to the entire game, but it is a new mode that allows players to better control the POE Currency, which makes this BAFTA award-winning game very interesting .

One magical place is Sacred Grove. In every area of ??the game, you will find a seed cache. The seeds you collect can be brought to the sacred bush for planting. Growing will take time, and activating new seed caches worldwide will cause a unit time to progress in the holy tree.

When your plants are harvested, this is the magical place. After activating the collector you built nearby, monsters will pop out of your plants, and you will eliminate the pests in these gardens. The collector will accumulate the vitality of the defeated monster, so you can start making items with the required attributes.

After defeating the monster, you will still receive items, but there will be fewer items in the Holy Grove area. Everything becomes more valuable, and the more value you have, the more you get in touch with the new mechanism.

Different plants will determine their growth environment. Some plants may need to be adjacent to another plant to grow. You can plant in any area in the sacred bush, so you can start to design some complicated areas and networks to harvest up to 48 plants. If you can survive the battle, the rewards will be huge.

To make some of the best items, you need more difficult battles, and even some very difficult boss battles. If you are not too busy with survival, you can enjoy Harvest's new monster design. Due to business interruption, the team of "Path of Exile 2" contributed to the design of some of the new monsters, so its quality is higher than normal.

Harvest is a light cycle of urban construction, without micro-management, which is completely in line with the existing risk and reward system on the path of exile. All the seeds you find can be traded with other players. You can chase the seed type with monsters and rewards that suit you. When you face higher challenges and seed levels, you will get better returns. You can also choose Buy POE Orbs, or choose not to participate at all, and trade seeds to other players to get the items you want in the player-driven economy.

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