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There is no better method to get the most out of your company than virtual phone lines. If you have a virtual number, your consumers may reach you at any time from any location. It is also of paramount importance to the virtual number providerthat their client maintains constant customer contact.

A virtual phone system is founded on the concept that switching to an internet-based service is less expensive than a conventional landline telephone service. VoIP stands for "voice over Internet protocol address," another name for similar setups.

The Importance of a Virtual Number in Business

Remember that all customers, new and old, will come to you with their questions, comments, and subscriptions. A business phone number is the most practical option here since it serves our needs admirably.

Businesses using an IVR system to streamline their customer service operations saw an initial surge in demand for "virtual numbers," which were first popularized among small and medium enterprises. Since then, awareness of one such virtual number has grown; in this post, you'll learn about seven advantages.

Productivity Growth

A virtual phone may be used almost everywhere you have internet access. It is thus also conceivable to establish your contact center facility in a distant site that is not in close proximity to your company. By going about it in this manner, not only may you save money on a variety of incidental costs, but you can also find an employee who is enthusiastic about working for your firm.

Since they're identical, your performance and productivity are on target. A virtual phone number also gives you much flexibility beyond making phone calls to clients. Sending and receiving voicemails and faxes is possible with a virtual number.

Almost Instantaneous Setup

Virtual numbers may be set up in record time as the last bonus. A virtual number may be used with VoIP rather than the extensive wires and hardware required by a trunk dialer or landline system.

A similar feature makes the initial setup of the system a breeze. The only need is an active internet connection, which can be established with little effort. Next, you'll want to set up a virtual phone system to connect your office's contact center with the outside world.

The Days of Missing Calls Are Over for Good

The most obvious benefit of getting a virtual numberis the ability to forward or redirect calls to any location. Virtual numbers, part of a Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) calling system, may be used to make and receive calls from any device.

As this example shows, you can't miss a call from a crucial customer while using a virtual number.

Discounted Multiple-Number Options

Access to several numbers with only one connection is another major perk of employing virtual phone numbers for commercial purposes. That's right, you heard correctly. Those looking to get a virtual phone number for their company have the option of selecting packages that provide them with more than one virtual phone number.

In doing so, you assign each digit to a subheading that will concern itself with that particular facet of the company's operations.

Get the Right Image for Your Career

Professionalism is now paramount in the corporate sphere. A lack of professionalism renders even the most admirable work ethic useless. The expectation that service providers would always be on time is not new, but it has persisted for too long without change.

Furthermore, they want their service providers to deliver high-quality customer care through conveniently accessible contact methods. Therefore, a company virtual phone number is the only option. Doing the same will give you a more polished appearance and the other advantages we've discussed.

Abounding in Conveniences

Your company's phone number may be loaded with personalized options. Call forwarding to any number you want, the ability to add or remove numbers, personalized voicemail, and the ability to request more customizations from your service provider are just a few examples.

If you use a virtual number for your company, you can access all of these features. If you're still using an antiquated phone system, you're missing out on a great opportunity to give your business the modern boost that a virtual number provides.

Less expensive

Virtual phone systems often have lower per-minute call costs than traditional carrier-based systems. Developers and engineers routinely work on them to maintain the system up to date and improve its reliability and efficiency, making it a more useful calling system. When you get a virtual phone number for your company, you don't have to worry about the exorbitant costs of a landline phone, which you will discover if you settle for one.

To set up a virtual calling facility, all you need is access to high-speed internet in your workplace or anywhere you want to establish your infrastructure.

Wrapping It UpIt is time for you to get hands on the best virtual number service provider Office24by7now. Give us a call on +91 7097171717.
What is Email Drip Marketing?

Drip marketing, also known as automated marketing or automated email campaigns, consists of emails delivered at regular intervals or in response to certain user actions. The goal of drip marketing software is to gradually provide useful content to the intended audience over time. If a customer joins up with your email list, you can automatically send them a welcome message, and if they browse your goods page but don't buy, you can send them a message with price details.

To ensure that the content of your emails is targeted as accurately as possible, you may divide your mailing list into as many subsets as you want and give each subset its own set of triggers. The emails in adrip campaign are composed in advance and sent out at regular intervals; they may be tailored to each recipient by including details such as their name.

"Drip campaigns are a terrific way to keep top of mind with your present and new customers," said Sir Sanju Ganglani, chief marketing officer of Compound Banc. Using this method, you may "deliver information that is appropriate to their interests and promote either purchases or referrals."

Plus, they're an excellent method of minimizing wasted time. This automated advertising reduces the time and effort required to respond individually to each consumer. GetResponse, a marketing automation solution, found that a single email sent in an autoresponder cycle had an open rate of 90.09% and a click-through rate of 27.06%. These percentages are much higher than the 23.53% and 3.86% for all marketing emails sent in North America reported by GetResponse.

How do you Set up an Email Drip Campaign?

For anyone interested in developing your drip campaign, here are six easy steps to follow.

Know who you're talking to and what motivates them.

Finding the right clients to send emails to is the first and most crucial phase in a drip campaign. To effectively communicate with your target demographics, it is necessary to identify the most effective triggers and target audiences.

A trigger may be an action or demographic data in drip marketingcampaigns. For example, when a user signs up for your mailing list, you may send them a welcome or onboarding email, and after a user makes a purchase, you can send them a receipt or confirmation email. A user's birthday might serve as a demographic trigger, resulting in a birthday email from your firm and a coupon code.

To make consumers feel appreciated and encourage repeat business, it is important to tailor your drip marketing to their needs. Find your ideal consumers by analyzing their clicks, visits, and habits.

Study the advertising effort.

To get a true picture of how well your drip campaign is working, you must examine it both during and after implementation. Utilize the metrics you established at the beginning of your campaign to determine what went well and what could be improved for the next time you send a similar message. Include Urchin Tracking Module (UTM) parameters on links within your emails to ensure data is immediately transmitted to Google Metrics.

Send an email message.

Create your email's content with your intended readership and purpose in mind. It's important that your email has a purpose, stands out, and has a direct call to action (CTA). Determine the goal(s) you have for the user and design accordingly. Is a purchase from the receiver desired? Is there a product you'd want to recommend? The writing needs to reflect this. You should also ensure that your message is easy to understand and consistent with the tone and style of your company's other communications.

Starting the campaign.

The campaign may begin after the target demographic, the result has been established, the material has been created, and the metrics to measure have been chosen. Email marketing solutions and marketing automation tools are excellent alternatives to building your drip campaign software. These apps simplify creating and scheduling automated email messages in response to various conditions.

Think out your strategy.

If you want your drip campaign to succeed, you need to plan it out carefully. Customers must be divided into groups, and target and success metrics must be established. Here are the most important considerations for your drip campaign.

  • Determining Who You're Writing For and Why

  • Your campaign's end game

  • Are your messages and triggers compatible with one another? How many emails will you send, and when will they be sent

  • Indicators of success (i.e., what types of analytics you will use and what numbers you will track)

Find your focus.

Knowing what you want to achieve is crucial in establishing an effective email drip campaign. An objective may help you organize the rest of your campaign and keep you focused as you go. Make your goals SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-based). The question is, what do you want to accomplish with your drip campaign? You're aiming for that.

Wrapping It UpHaving the right drip marketing software at your perusal makes a great difference in setting up and running the campaigns. ContactOffice24by7 on +91 7097171717 for more details.

The number of leads your firm receives may be increased via the use of several lead creation sources. Advertising is important regardless of the medium, from a television commercial to a social media campaign. To help a start-up expand, you need to learn more about customer relationship management. First, however, let's define a lead generation. The term "lead generation" refers to the whole process of attracting potential clients who, with enough work, may become paying customers. Effective lead managementCRMs aid firms by collecting leads from various sources and monitoring their progress through the sales pipeline.

What is Lead Management in CRM?

The term "lead management" in customer relationship management describes the steps to ultimately close a sale with a potential client. In business, leads are prospective consumers who have shown interest in what you offer. Your ability to persuade potential customers to buy from you depends on the data you collect about them. The role of lead management software becomes important at this point.

The Importance of Lead Management

You must understand why lead management is essential for your company's success. Not doing lead management right may be quite expensive for your company. Consequently, you need to understand the significance of lead management software and its function for your company.

Improvements to the shopping experience

In the end, your service will be appreciated by your customers. At every stage of the buying process, you must provide a first-rate consumer experience. Provide them with information about your products and services. Think like the consumer and carefully choose the material they will read.

Putting your attention where it needs to be

Lead management's ability to direct a company's attention where it should be pays dividends. This is possible with the help of "sales qualified leads." You can easily tell the difference between qualified and unqualified leads. Effective lead management software allows you to focus on developing relationships with the most promising prospects. These high-value leads have a greater potential to become repeat buyers.

Improve earnings and output

Marketing becomes a breeze as soon as you can identify which leads are of high quality and which are not. You may reach out to them through targeted marketing by altering the tone and content of your communications. Doing so may increase the number of leads that become paying clients.

Adopt more effective methods of promotion.

Good lead management softwarecan help you identify the most productive lead-generating channels. Depending on the nature of your enterprise, certain platforms may perform better than others. If you know this, you may save money on marketing and advertising.

Advantages of Lead Management CRM

It's not easy to create leads. Therefore a CRM may ease the process and boost its worth. Customer relationship management software lets you keep in touch with clients throughout their journey. Using customer relationship management software for lead management has various benefits.

Improve lead conversion rates

The goal of doing anything with leads is to increase the conversion rate. According to statistics, CRM can triple conversion rates. Analyzing sales CRM data may enhance a company's conversion rate and bottom line. Using CRM increases corporate growth and ROI.

Better service to customers

CRM lets you customize client conversations and deliver better support. The customer will be on your side if you remain in touch via email and phone and if your sales team rapidly answers problems. Customers are more likely to return if they have a great experience before and after a purchase. Businesses may provide better service and connect with customers with CRM.

The sales cycle

A sales CRMlets you track sales from start to finish. Build a sales funnel and review the stages from above. You can track sales. The win-loss record might also be helpful. Using CRM source performance reports, you can evaluate which lead generation settings work best. Using a CRM may boost sales forecast accuracy by 42%.

Boost internal communication.

With CRM, employees from different departments can interact and share ideas quickly. Using a sales CRM, employees may examine leads. A better lead-generation campaign results.

Develop leaders

Using lead nurturing, prospects may be kept engaged in the buyer's process by supplying them with relevant information at different stages. This stage is important to salvation. Plan how you'll follow up with leads. With a CRM, following up with prospects is easy. Prospective customers' information may be kept and quickly retrieved to help the purchase process. Using sales CRM, you can better communicate with prospects.

Speeds up

Automation is key to CRM systems. Time and energy are reduced. An effective sales CRM boosts productivity by 73%. Your automation follows the triggers, actions, and conditions you create. CRM's workflow automation can automate the lead nurturing process.

High customer retention

Keeping existing clients pleased is more important than gaining new ones. With sales CRM, up to 27% more clients may be preserved. A 5% increase in customer retention may boost the bottom line. Improved customer service and a more pleasant overall experience are two CRM advantages that may enhance client retention.

Wrapping It UpNow that you know the importance of a sales CRM, it is time for you to invest in one like Office24by7. Contact us on +91 7097171717 for more details.
What is the Definition of Sales Opportunity Management?

"sales opportunity management" refers to keeping track of and managing sales opportunities as they go through a company's sales pipeline. It alludes to the processes and procedures put in place by a sales team to ensure that leads have the best chance of developing into paying clients.

Given how simple it is to lose leads or give up on a good one, sales managers have no choice but to implement a system to ensure that prospects are pursued, and transactions are closed.

Because no one is a customer unless they pay, sales teams have to work harder to find and cultivate leads that have the potential to become paying clients.

Therefore, opportunity managementis an all-encompassing approach that charts a course for boosting sales team efficiency and effectiveness.

Managers of sales opportunities help their teams improve their odds of making more sales and money.

Customer relationship management (CRM) software enables sales teams to concentrate on high-quality leads while staying in contact with current clients over time.

What is the Significance of Sales Opportunity Management?

Since sales staff may easily lose track of high-quality leads, sales opportunity management is essential for keeping tabs on and nurturing the most likely-to-convert leads. Some advantages of sales opportunity management are as follows:

You may have more control over your sales funnel by

Sales professionals can exert more influence over the actions and development of their sales funnel with the help of opportunity management.

By keeping tabs on leads and working to advance them through the pipeline, you'll have more say over the material that will ultimately convince them to convert.

Upgrade your sales-based decision-making.

Opportunity managementallows your sales teams to construct a reliable sales process that considers your clients' hopes, fears, and long-term goals so that you can tailor your sales messages and activities to best meet their requirements.

Knowing the specifics of a lead's issue and how your goods or services might address those needs allows you to assess the likelihood of converting them into a client and choose the most effective means of doing so swiftly.

Increase the quality of your connections with potential customers.

Relationships with customers are essential for salespeople to achieve success.

Getting potential customers to purchase from you involves more than just presenting your goods or services; the majority of the effort rests in establishing trusting connections with them.

To convert leads into customers, it is important to keep track of where they are in the sales process and what connection you should have with them at each step.

Track the development of leads as they go through the sales process.

Sales teams can't keep tabs on leads' progression through the sales funnel without opportunity management.

A sales lead is just a potential consumer who has shown interest in your product, and you can tell immediately whether or not they will buy from you.

You can monitor your leads and devise a plan to increase conversion rates by monitoring your opportunities.

Avoid potential snags by pinpointing and eliminating them.

You may learn more about what's going on with your lead and anticipate any problems by managing opportunities.

After difficulties have been recognized, appropriate responses may be devised.

A Sales Opportunity's Life Cycle

For a sales representative to successfully find and close a sales opportunity, they must go through five distinct phases. And they do;


After researching and qualifying your leads as sales prospects, the following step is to create efficient sales tactics on how you intend to turn that opportunity into a paying client.

A solid strategy is the foundation of every successful marketing or sales effort. To boost revenue, you need a well-thought-out strategy for selling to the consumers you've decided to focus on.


A sales opportunity will not materialize until the research process has been completed. Before making any decisions, your top priority should be to gather as much information as possible about the prospect. Prioritizing high-quality data on your leads should be a top research priority.


The fourth phase is the implementation phase, when the plan is implemented. It is not sufficient to merely have a sales strategy; you must also implement your plans methodically and document each step.


This is the last step before a sale may be made. Despite your best efforts, your plan may still fail. If this is the case, it's time to reevaluate your sales strategy.

As a means of guiding your future sales efforts, it is important to reflect on your success to date and analyze what went well and where you might have done better. Learn where to get the best advice and leads ready to be sold.

Leadership Eligibility Criteria

Here, you'll put to practice all you've learned thus far. At this point, you should focus mostly on filtering out unqualified leads in favor of those more likely to convert.

We've stressed before that to close deals with potential customers, you need to know how your goods or services would alleviate their problems, pique their curiosity, and fit within their budget.

Wrapping It UpManage your opportunities effectively with the help of Office24by7 opportunity management tool. Contact us on +91 7097171717 for more details.

In the service industry, feedback is vital because it enables companies to learn more about their customers and enhance the quality of their products and services. The data and facts offered by the feedback process allow businesses to comprehensively understand their customers' worlds and the experiences they have had as a result of their interactions with the company. Even though it can seem easy, engaging your target audience's attention and making it easy for them to provide feedback without any work on their part is a significant problem for any company.

Despite this, many choices exist, such as email, voice, push, social media, and many more. SMS, one of the oldest channels, is still the most popular because practically everyone reads their SMS messages.

Bulk SMS software provides 100% message delivery assurance, simplifies the process of gathering client feedback, and can be used instantly at a very low cost; thus, it is an alternative that any kind of business can consider.

This is Why SMS Exists.

Because customers' attention spans are becoming shorter and shorter, collecting reviews through email, feedback forms, and in-person interaction is becoming more difficult. Text messaging (SMS), on the other hand, helps to simplify the process and raises response rates by ensuring that every message is received and providing a simple manner of replying to it.

As shown by considerable and varied demographic skews, Bulk SMSand text messaging is the single most effective method for getting customer feedback or survey responses. Studies conducted by Versta Research, a business member of the American Association for Public Opinion Research, have demonstrated that sending a text message stimulates more individuals to participate and reply to the survey. Although opting to receive feedback or surveys by text message does not increase response rates, the number of users participating in the process has increased, and the replies they provide are reliable.

Using short message service (SMS) to create a simple and effective feedback system has several significant advantages, some of which are listed below:

A Swifter Rate of Reaction:

Using Bulk SMS software is the only way to gather responses from customers in a short period, making it suitable for survey or feedback procedures. Because of the quick turnaround time, businesses can evaluate customer feedback, figure out where they stand in customer satisfaction, and make necessary adjustments to their business practices. All of this is done to improve the reputation of the business and the quality of service provided to the company's clientele.

Survey Results That Can Be Trusted:

The results are more trustworthy since customers are likely to submit honest comments in an SMS survey or feedback than in a phone conversation or an in-person encounter. It is often considered the method that is the most effective when it comes to collecting data from customers in the shortest period.

Intense and Frequent Occurrence of Openings:

Sending a customer survey or requesting feedback by text message (SMS) significantly improves the likelihood that they will engage in the survey or request. They will open and read the text message as soon as it arrives, which should be within the first few minutes.

Most significantly, Reasonable Prices:

Sending out bulk SMSis a rapid and efficient, and cost-effective process. This is due to the limited character limit of SMS. Sending out an SMS has a return on investment (ROI) that is noticeably greater for a far lower expenditure when compared to other marketing channels, such as making phone calls or placing print adverts, for example.

It Is Very Simple to Set Up

From one centralized location, it is possible to send configurable Bulk SMS software to a large number of recipients at the same time. Develop a feedback or survey method using one of the various available approaches. You have the option of sending a text message (SMS) with a Short URL, which will direct the recipients to a landing page; you also have the option of sending a Bulk SMS with a series of questions; alternatively, you can set up a Long Code SMS Service, which will enable the recipients to record their preferences and selections by selecting the appropriate keywords. Finally, you can send an SMS with a series of questions. In any event, it is possible to carry out a basic survey using a platform that supports SMS.

Wrapping It UpIf you are on the lookout for a reliable bulk SMS software, then there is no other better option than Office24by7. Contact us on +91 7097171717 for more details.

Despite occasional setbacks, healthcare continues to expand rapidly. The industry grows thanks to continuous upgrades in the tools used to provide healthcare to patients. These advancements enable hospitals and clinics to deliver excellent care. IVR calling system is a promising new technology that has already made important contributions to the expansion of the industry and the enhancement of service quality.

What is Interactive Voice Response (IVR)?

IVR, or interactive voice response, is a kind of inbound call management that allows callers to engage with a system by entering data into a keyboard or speaking into a microphone and hearing a response. Its key roles include answering questions, resolving issues, directing calls, and helping customers. While auto attendant is useful in healthcare settings, interactive voice response (IVR) is far better. While an auto attendant may aid with call routing, IVR calling systems can help with anything from arranging appointments to refilling prescriptions without needing a human operator. Approximately 27% of all calls to a contact center are handled using IVR. * This translates to 27 percent of all calls being handled autonomously. The effect on output is enormous. The use of IVR service in a hospital has much more advantages than previously mentioned.

What are the advantages of an IVR system for healthcare?

When it comes to healthcare, anIVR calling systemmight be really helpful. Several examples are shown below:

Boost Efficiency in Work

With IVR service, physicians no longer have to spend time on mundane but necessary chores like taking phone calls from patients or prospective clients or responding to several emails from various persons at once. Since an IVR solution may significantly boost physicians' efficiency, it's fair to state that it's essential in the healthcare sector.

Comfortably in Your Residence

In inclement weather, patients may utilize the IVR service to make appointments, check their schedules, and even get health statements. When bad weather keeps a person inside, such as when it's raining or snowing, the patient doesn't have to go anywhere to fill his or her prescriptions.

Get Help Now

It takes a long time to help those in need at a major hospital. To ensure that all emergency calls reach hospitals promptly and appropriate action may be taken immediately, IVR service for hospitals can be utilized to lessen the volume of calls.

In an emergency, doctors may also contact patients via the IVR service. When a patient is admitted to the hospital and has an emergency, the IVR calling system will immediately contact his or her loved ones to let them know how things are going. In the event of surgery, the patient's loved ones may get a call from the hospital's IVR system informing them that everything went well, and they may come to see their loved one in the recovery room in about an hour.

Healthcare Quality Improvement

Through interactive voice response (IVR) technology, patients may access their medical data whenever needed, day or night, without making an appointment or waiting in a clinic. Doctors may easily sign up healthy patients and obtain access to their records using voicemail.

Fix Flaws

The use of an IVR servicein hospitals may also be helpful since it can cut down on the number of typos that occur when staff members manually input patient information. This is because the IVR calling system can populate all of the information for you automatically. Work efficiency and quality will both increase as a consequence of this.

Proximity to the Public and Ease of Use

Patients may use the GPS location search option IVR services provides to locate pharmacies and labs near their current location. If a patient cannot see their doctor in person, they may still get in touch with him or her using an IVR service.

With merely a patient's phone number, which was likely entered during the original online registration process, healthcare providers may easily get in touch with their patients without incurring any additional workload or delay.

Use Robots to Lessen Your Workload

Through the use of IVR, physicians' administrative duties may be simplified. Doctors must juggle a mountain of paperwork daily to provide their patients with the best care possible. This includes managing patients' personal information, medical history, insurance information, and appointment scheduling. A doctor's memory can only hold so much information. Therefore modern medicine relies heavily on electronic medical records to maintain track of patients' medical histories. Patients and medical staff, including physicians and nurses, may utilize the IVR service's automated voice response system.

Moreover, medical professionals may employ IVR services to set up automated reminders for future appointments, prescription refills, and test results. Patients may use the system to make appointments, verify their insurance coverage, and learn whether they need to get any tests or medications.

Wrapping It UpIf you are searching for a reliable IVR service provider, then you can stop searching.Office24by7is here to aid you through the process. Contact us on +91 7097171717 for more details.

One of the fascinating aspects of customer relationship management (CRM) systems is how they are always evolving:

  • The effectiveness of several sales aids has increased.

  • The analytical tools are always being upgraded to have a deeper level of awareness.

  • The complexity of data management systems is gradually being reduced.

  • Inside salespeople, who spend most of their time behind a desk, recognize the need to have a customer relationship management system that has been properly established.

However, what about folks who work in outside sales and aren't confined to cubicles all day?

They are missing out on one of the most effective sales and customer-relationship tools in the history of the world. How many deals have been lost because a sales representative did not have access to essential mobile CRMinformation during a face-to-face contact when having that knowledge might have made or broken the deal? Assuming that even a single transaction is the answer, we have a significant problem.

We are now, thank goodness, living in the era of mobile gadgets. When a salesperson uses a mobile device, they can obtain vital information on their existing and new customers much more rapidly. All that is necessary is a customer relationship management system (CRM) that is suitable for mobile devices and an app to go along with it. If your sales employees are not already employing mobile CRM, your firm is losing out on the chances that it may have had.

Consider the Following Five Benefits of a Mobile Customer Relationship Management Solution:An Increase in Productivity

CRMs have the potential to handle practically every aspect of an office worker's day, including the process of responding to emails and scheduling appointments. On the other hand, salesmen who work out in the field often rely on a mix of digital programs, traditional paper notes, and plain old-fashioned memory to keep their days on track. When it comes to getting things done, this is not exactly the best position to be in. If you have a mobile CRM system, your sales force can access the same tools they have in the office, regardless of where they are.

Sales Boost

In-person interactions are still an essential component of the sales process, despite the proliferation of the Internet and other digital media. With mobile customer relationship management solutions, your sales force can finish transactions from any location. Information such as product specs, prices, customer profiles, meeting minutes, and contracts are readily available for salespeople to see. Field salespeople have these tools available to them, so they can focus their efforts on making sales and networking.

Streamlined Operating Procedures

When making sales, having a mobile CRM that operates well might remove any difficulties. The desktop version's most comprehensive and adaptable capabilities are accessible in this mobile app, but the experience has been simplified to cater to the most common use cases. Many salespeople prefer the mobile CRM system over the desktop version.

Mobile customer relationship management systems (CRMs) employ the same open architecture as their desktop counterparts. This enables simple integration and customization to add new features and modules to the system. For instance, here at Office 24by7, we've developed a superior mobile app for the mobile CRM platform. Sugar Mobile Enhanced is what we're calling it, abbreviated to "Sugar Mobile e" for short. This feature-rich add-on makes the already-excellent Sugar Mobile app even better by adding support for geolocation, mobile check-ins, a feature-rich calendar, and seamless interaction with Act-On.

Improvements made to the data collection process

It is impossible for businesses in the sales sector to be successful without reliable and up-to-date data to work with. In enterprises, telephone numbers and email addresses are often updated. People you've worked with in the past could move up in the company, or they might decide to leave it completely. The needs and desires of clients are always evolving throughout time.

The salesman is responsible for ensuring that the information they provide is accurate as part of their job. The unfortunate reality is that while they're out in the field, it's simple for them to forget the more insignificant details. Salespeople may do this at any time and from any place utilizing the mobile CRM system that is available to them.

Incorporate CRM data automatically

The amount of time spent recording calls is a frequent source of grumbling among salesmen. What if the mobile CRM could build the required records without any input from the user? Whenever a salesperson calls from their smartphone to a number already in their database, a mobile customer relationship management system (mobile CRM) can generate an automatic call log in response to that action. It makes the job of sales reps easier and offers a trustworthy record of an essential component of the sales process.

Wrapping It Up

It is time to get your hands on the best mobile CRM and enjoy all the CRM features on the go. Contact Office 24by7for more details on +91 7097171717. 

What's Lead Tracking Software?

Lead management is the practice of systematically qualifying, analyzing, and nurturing leads to create new business prospects. Leads from various sources are sent into your lead management software to close transactions, with those most likely ready to buy. You will need a lead management platform to maximize the potential of customers interested in your product or service.

Customers and industry professionals have repeatedly named Office24by7 CRM the finest tool for managing sales leads. Your sales team will be able to close more deals in less time with fewer workers, thanks to an all-encompassing suite of lead management capabilities for organizations of all sizes and kinds. Learn how to use Office24by7's lead management softwarefrom the ground up, beginning with lead creation and ending with detailed analysis and reporting.

Importance of Lead Tracking SoftwareWatch the Traffic

Get started with visitor tracking using a comprehensive dashboard for tracking your website's performance based on the device used and the location of your users. With the help of monitoring software, you can monitor the success of every page on your website. Keyword and duration analysis findings may be exported to CSV for reporting and dissemination.

Analytics of Conversions in Real-Time

Use our first-rate source tracker to keep tabs on all your campaigns. With monitoring software solutions, you can monitor and tweak every facet of your campaigns to increase conversion rates.

Using Office24by7, you may monitor campaign conversion rates in real-time. Our source tracker allows you to do anything from analyzing the success of your landing pages to split testing your calls to action.

Tracking on Social Media

Complete lead information and social media campaign monitoring allow you to keep on top of your campaigns at all times, evaluating their success and learning from their mistakes across all channels using tracking software. Maintain in-depth metric tracking for each social media profile and draw appropriate conclusions. With Office24by7, you may have instant access to reliable data and insightful trends.

PPC Monitoring

Here are some of the data points that are tracked and analyzed in PPC campaigns. Tracking the success of all your advertising in one location allows you to easily calculate the share of the market you've captured. With the finest tool monitoring software, you can measure data like average placements and average CPC to get a more precise cost per click and cost per conversion. In addition, you may use Office24by7 to track the quality rating of each lead.

ERPs and CRMs from third parties

After adopting Office24by7, you will no longer need to worry about integrating with other enterprise resource planning (ERP) or customer relationship management (CRM) systems. You may use this information for various purposes, such as tracking and comparing the success rates of different lead generation strategies or determining the value of leads provided by affiliate partners. Using a source tracker by Office24by7, you can monitor your campaigns from a centralized location.

Features of Lead Tracking Software
  • Solutions for monitoring sales leads Website cookies to allow you to track leads from interesting CTAs and form submissions.

  • Analyze the degree of interaction between your website and its users (both known and anonymous).

  • You may efficiently evaluate the return on investment (ROI) across several traffic sources using lead monitoring software.

  • The top campaign monitoring systems include drag-and-drop templates for developing responsive landing pages.

  • The number of clicks, sessions, and organic keywords may all be tracked with visitor tracking software.

  • When the origin of a site's visitors is unclear, tracking software may assist in determining which ads brought them there.

  • The capacity of current analytics software to track clicks from sources other than the most prominent search engines is one of its most helpful capabilities.

  • Workflow lead tracking softwarethat allows you to choose both general lead sources (like "Search") and more targeted lead sources.

  • You may optimize your website's conversion rate by analyzing the most popular pages with the help of the visitor monitoring tool.

  • The best web analytics tools Determine which promotional avenues and websites are bringing in the most qualified visitors.

  • Try out variants of your landing pages with thorough A/B testing using the lead tracking software.

  • Actions taken by your ideal customer before, during, and after the conversion may all be tracked using a tracking software solution.

  • The most effective lead tracking software allows you to assign a value, in the form of points, to each action a website visitor takes.

Wrapping It UpIf you are someone who is on the lookout for a reliable lead tracking software, then Office24by7is the one. Contact us on +91 7097171717 for more details.

Successful email marketing depends on getting the attention of those who are likely to respond to your CTA. But in the modern marketing scene, the consumer is in control at all times. Therefore, it is not sufficient to send subscribers occasional emails about uninteresting subjects.

The success of any email marketing campaign depends on your ability to maintain the interest of your readers while also growing your mailing list. An email drip campaign is a great tool for reaching this goal.

What is a drip campaign in email marketing?

Drip campaigns (also known as drip marketing campaigns and automated email marketing campaigns) are a sequence of sequentially sent marketing emails designed to nudge prospects and customers closer to a desired action. Drip campaigns are so named because they "drip" useful information, updates, goods, and alerts to email recipients over time.


Drip campaignsin email marketing are entirely hands-off; emails are delivered at predetermined intervals or in response to user activities (or inactions). If a user signs up for an email list, they will get a welcome message immediately, and then weekly reminders on Mondays for the next 10 weeks. Alternatively, a drip campaign may be useful for informing prospects about the advantages of upgrading after they have visited a product upgrade post-click landing page many times but have yet to make a purchase.

Drip campaigns' primary goal is to move subscribers farther up the conversion funnel by providing them with relevant content at the right moment.

Charts for drip marketing campaigns may be as simple or complex as the campaign's creator desires, with as many or as few iterations and branches as desired.

Email drip programs are unique because they:
  • Automate message sending based on events and user actions.

  • Send just the kinds of emails for which your subscribers signed up.

  • Get more individuals to join up while decreasing the likelihood that any of them will quit.

  • There are an array of advantages that come with drip marketing programs.

Major advantages of automated email campaignsAccurate segmentation increases profits.

In one email campaign, you may use drip marketingto entice potential consumers, educate and qualify leads, and thank existing patrons. Reaching the right people at the right moments requires identifying, categorising, and communicating with distinct user groups.

Additionally, a trusting relationship with an audience may be established via a segmented email drip campaign. Instead of sending the same email campaign to everyone on your mailing list, you may segment your audience and target them more effectively. It's easier to make an emotional connection with your recipients when the emails you send are specific to their interests.

A greater conversion rate and fewer unsubscribes are the end result of this. Sending segmented drip emails has been shown to increase income by 18 times.

More participation with less exertion

Increased participation is one reason why drip programs are more profitable than other types of email marketing. The click-through rate for drip email campaigns is 119% higher than that of conventional email marketing, which is impressive given the low level of work required.

To begin, you may save time and effort in pique prospects' attention by giving them relevant content ahead of time. If you can move prospects through the sales funnel more rapidly because they are already interested, you can reduce the length of the sales cycle. Saving time and effort spent attempting to get in touch with unresponsive site visitors is another benefit of a well-executed drip email campaign.

Second, automated systems make it so you may let drip emails go without checking on them. Team members in charge of marketing don't have to spend too much time on email creation and distribution (though they should still do so, as we'll discuss below). In light of the fact that combining marketing automation with an email marketing drip campaign may increase sales prospects by 20%, this is excellent news.

Constant communication ensures that the topic never fades from memory

When properly executed, a drip email marketing campaign may act as a two-way dialogue with your subscribers, with each subsequent email expanding on the one before it. This not only keeps your brand in their minds, but also fosters trust. Sending out updates on a consistent basis demonstrates to your customers that you are committed to exceeding their expectations.

Drip campaigns in email: few instances

If your goal is to reach specific audiences with specific information in the hopes of converting those audiences into paying customers, you may want to try out a few different approaches.

To which I extend a warm welcome, through email

New subscribers will be introduced to your brand right away with the help of welcome drips. As such, they may help you create a good first impression and show that you're not just out for the money.

A "Hi, great to meet you!" greeting is all that's needed in a welcome email, but you may also utilize the opportunity to promote some of your staple material. Promote your most current blog posts or your most important information by email to everybody who has subscribed to your site. These may also be used to send a discount as a thank you for signing up.

Welcome messages

In the long run, onboarding letters help convert trial users into paying customers by teaching and nurturing them over time. They've already taken the first step by signing up for a free trial; now it's your turn to give them the full rundown on what they're getting, how it will solve their issue, and why you're the best option out there.

Your onboarding emails should have a single, obvious CTA, much as your post-click landing sites. People are less inclined to take action if they have a plethora of options to choose from.

Emails to re-engage with an audience

These are perfect for re-engaging with dormant leads. Re-engagement emails are a great way to pique the attention of subscribers who have stopped reading or clicking through your


When a customer is no longer interested in your brand, it is OK to provide them the option to unsubscribe or terminate their account. You won't build a positive reputation by wasting people's time.

Emails sent to customers whose carts have been abandoned

The majority of online shoppers eventually abandon their carts, but it is possible to re-engage them by sending them a series of emails that remind them of the items they almost purchased, verify that the products are still in stock, and perhaps even include a coupon code to encourage them to complete the transaction.

With the help of persuasive abandoned cart emails, 72% of consumers who leave a product in the shopping process end up buying it again within 24 hours.

Emails of verification

It's important to keep sending drip emails even after a transaction has been made. Setting up an automated "thank you" message to send to customers right after they make a purchase is still a viable option.

If you want your customers to continue interacting with your brand after the sale is complete. So many companies include a link to additional action in the confirmation message.

Wrapping It Up

If you are looking for the right drip management tool, then Office24by7 is something that you have to look at. Contact us on +91 7097171717 for more details. 

Automated Interactive Voice Response (IVR) technology is proving to be a feasible solution to ease customer service and payment procedures in healthcare firms under great pressure to do more with fewer staff. Those in charge of the healthcare company think IVR service will be utilized more in the future to simplify processes.

Interactive voice response (IVR) is a kind of automation that allows callers to conduct self-service, interactive conversations using only their voice or the phone's keypad. Because of this technology, fewer calls will need to be routed to a human, and consumers will be able to perform essential transactions more quickly and safely.

In-Voice-Request (IVR) Technology in Healthcare: Why It Matters

Hospitals, healthcare systems, physician groups, and medical billing firms have all achieved success with early installations of IVR calling system automated technology despite the healthcare industry's traditionally slow embrace of new technologies.

The main advantage of IVR service for healthcare organizations is that clients may pay their healthcare providers over the phone anytime they want, seven days a week, without speaking to a live agent. A healthcare practitioner may:

  • Bring in extra money

  • Confidentiality of patient information

  • Reduce overhead costs, such as payroll.

Patients may examine their current account balances and other information in real-time. Certain software vendors, like Epic Systems, give real-time access to authenticate a caller, present a balance, hear about recent account balances, recent payments, payment plan data, and make a payment. After calling Epic, a patient may check their account status on the Epic MyChart patient portal within minutes. The IVR service in Epic may also show up-to-date pay information.

Certain IVR calling systemsfeature a HIPAA-compliant text chat option for phone-averse customers. In certain cases, a vocal conversation is unneeded since text chat would suffice. A billing representative can manage many text chats at once, but only one voice call. This boosts efficiency and the number of patient inquiries a single salesperson can address.

Because healthcare firms often have fewer workers working from several locations, automating typical operations using IVR service helps them save time and get more done. To better assist their consumers, live agents may work from home or stay in the office to give direct treatment to patients.

What the future holds for IVR and its further growth

In an ideal world, the IVR calling system would be so advanced that callers would never have to speak to a person. This would save time and money.

More accurate voice recognition and safer text chat alternatives will enhance IVR calling systems in the future. IVRs will soon be able to pick up on a speaker's tone, accent, and other details as voice recognition technology improves. Phones with keypads for inputting touch tones won't go away, but they'll be utilized less.

Within five years, IVR systemswill be able to piece together a patient's situation before they call their doctor. If a user was recently on the patient portal looking at their balance, the system may respond, "I saw you were there." Could you make a payment right now? Because of these qualities, service times will reduce while efficiency grows.

There will be a need for live agents to handle more sophisticated assignments, but greater IVR integration will allow for better handoffs. It will be more effective for both sides of the IVR to collect as much information as possible for the live agent before the call is transferred. This would prevent callers from frequently providing personal information during a single interaction.

Those who prefer texting over phone calls may find this technology useful. Instead of placing patients on hold one by one, agents may text with several at once.

Measuring IVR performance is key.

With the quick evolution of IVR service comes the necessity to constantly monitor system performance to ensure a seamless caller experience.

Because IVR calling systems are adaptable, they may be modified to offer the fastest, most exact replies to a range of questions. Make modifications proactively or in reaction to KPI reviews.

An IVR system's performance may be gauged by monitoring critical metrics such as the proportion of callers who can verify their information, make payments, and avoid being routed to a live person. An additional secondary metric to consider is the percentage of calls received outside of normal business hours and on weekends; if this figure is significantly lower than 20%, we suggest double-checking the after-hours phone transfer to ensure it is properly worded and functioning, and making sure patients are aware of the IVR's 24-hour availability.

If undesirable patterns occur in these metrics, it may be required to undertake a full IVR Review and investigate the IVR Calling system Flow as a whole to find the root of the problem.

1-800 Notify is a communications business that designed an IVR payment system for hospitals and clinics. Without a person, our automated system can check a patient's identity, give them their account balance, and take payments. 1800 Notify supports the production and dissemination of automated, HIPAA-compliant appointment reminders for patients and IVR calling systems. 1-800 Notify clients in the US have observed an increase in patients turning up for booked appointments, a steady stream of wellness checks, and more open channels of communication with 

Wrapping It UpIf you are on the lookout for a reliable IVR service provider, then you can stop looking anymore. Office24by7is here to provide you with an exemplary IVR calling system. For more details, contact us on +91 7097171717.
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