robertparker758's blog

The term cannabis edible can be described as a drink or food that has activated cannabis concentrates. Health Canada differentiates them by terming them as edible cannabis beverages and edible cannabis solids. Usually, smoking cannabis is the preferred way of going about it. 

However, eating cannabis is becoming popular these days as well, and rapidly so! You have plenty of food products that are infused with cannabis such as brownies, cereals, and gummies. You can infuse just about any and every food with cannabis and have it. You can get edible for sale rather easily these days. Ingesting cannabis can give just the same kind of high that you get from smoking the same, if not more.

However, the process in which you get high by eating cannabis is different from what happens when you smoke the same thing. In case of edibles, they pass through your digestive tract and reach your stomach. This is where your body absorbs them. It is in your liver that the active compounds get metabolized to 11-hydroxy-THC (tetrahydrocannabinol). This particular compound is a lot more persistent and potent than normal THC. So, now you know why you feel the way you do when you have edible candies in Canada.

How Much Time Edibles takes to Get Your Body High

When you are consuming cannabis edibles, it can take anywhere between 45 minutes and three hours for your body to metabolize the THC in it. So, since your body absorbs and metabolizes cannabis slowly it takes more time for the effects to kick in. However, when you start feeling the effects you would notice that they are stronger. They also last a lot longer than what would have been the case if you had smoked a joint. This is because 11-hydroxy-THC is a lot stronger and persistent than normal THC, as we have said already. Keep this in mind before having CBD capsules for sale.      

You have a lot of variety to choose from in edibles with the most prominent options in these cases being the likes of chocolate, gummies, and THC oil. For more information on how and from where to buy gummies online please visit BNB.
