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The solar battery converts the absorbed light into electricity. It consists of solar cells (most often silicon), capable of immediately extracting direct electric current from solar radiation.

Such an installation can be used to ensure the operability of electric heating equipment. It must be connected to the power supply of the home.

It remains to calculate how many squares of space will be needed to meet the needs of a particular household, based on the size of the dwelling, individual heat needs and the level of insulation of structures.

For heating, solar panels are best used in the southern regions. Their main disadvantage is a decrease in efficiency at dusk and cloudy weather, a complete lack of performance at night.

To make a solar battery with your own hands, you will first need to assemble the frame, solder the solar cells, then lay everything neatly and use a sealant.

For the manufacture of the frame, wooden slats, aluminum corners are used. It all depends on the size of the assembled structure and the place of its installation. Solar cells - silicon wafers - the most consumable part of the design. They are monocrystalline and polycrystalline. The first ones are somewhat more expensive, but their performance is 5% higher.

Making them yourself is impossible. Photovoltaic converters are best purchased with already soldered conductors.

They have to be placed on the base of fiberboard, then fixed in the frame, bring the wires from the elements out and fill all the holes with sealant. Allow the structure to dry well and cover with a glass or transparent plastic lid.