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The research team proceeded to sort the used furniture, determine its condition, and determine the appropriate price for the company and customers.
When the price reaches the customer's satisfaction, he agrees with the company representative on the appropriate price and signs the contract.
The teams go to the customers to disassemble the used furniture and deliver it by car to the customers in time.
All furniture moving work from sorting, disassembling, cleaning, packing and transportation is completed after the customer receives the agreed payment.
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Company cars go to workshops where old furniture is restored, maintained and repaired.
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Abandoned wooden furniture:
Abandoned furniture can restore its luster by using a mixture of olive oil and vegetable turpentine in a ratio of 3 oil to 1 turpentine by applying oil to the wood and it does not shine immediately, but rather leaves the oil on it for a whole day to give the wood an opportunity to absorb the oil, and the next day the wood shines with a dry and soft piece.

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The amount of oil used depends on the condition of the wood. The drier the wood is, a larger amount of oil is placed. This method is very useful for wooden doors at the entrance to the house because they are constantly exposed to air and sunlight.

Mahogany wood:

It is preferable to use linseed oil to polish mahogany wood because linseed oil gives wood a dark color.

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-Oak-wood :

To preserve oak wood, it is preferable to wipe it with warm vinegar and dry it well before using furniture polish. To give oak wood a dark color, linseed oil can be used.

Gilded wood:

To clean gilded wood, one of the following two methods can be used:

1 - Use a mixture of wheat flour and starch mixed with a little olive oil.

2 - Use egg whites so that they beat well and become foam, then use a soft brush to put a layer of foam on the gilded wood and leave it to dry and then polish it with a dry cloth.

Lacquer wood:

Lacquer wood should never be wiped with water because watering removes the lacquer over time.

- Formica:
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Formica is not affected by water because it is not made of woo

1 - The furniture should be cleaned well of dust.

2 - Put a small amount of oil on a cotton cloth that is not terry and is used to wipe the furniture in a circular motion, taking into account the scrubs and working quickly to avoid the formation of spots of oil on the wood, and the oil must be distributed evenly on the wood.

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Economy in the use of oil for furniture:

There are several types of wood oil in the market, but there is no need to buy these commercial oils because it is possible to dispense with them and replace them with other cheap oils if compared to the prices of commercial polishing materials.
Prepare a mixture for polishing furniture at home:

2 tablespoons of olive oil

1 tablespoon of vinegar

1 tablespoon of white alcohol

2 tablespoons of vegetable turpentine
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The materials are placed in a bottle and shake well before use. A larger amount of the mixture can be prepared in the same proportions and kept in a bottle until needed because the mixture remains usable for a long period of time if kept in an airtight bottle.

In emergency cases or when vegetable turpentine is not available, a mixture of 3 parts olive oil, 1 part alcohol and 1 part vinegar can be used.

Carved wood cleaning:
Carved wood needs great care because the accumulation of dust on it makes it more difficult to clean and gives it an ugly look, so it must be cleaned constantly from dust and it must be wiped with oil from time to time “about every two weeks or as needed.”

Daily cleaning
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For daily cleaning of wooden furniture, it is sufficient to use a dry cloth of the types that pick up dust quickly, and the use of water should be avoided because wood absorbs water quickly. The use of water affects the color of wood and most importantly, it becomes dry with time and cracks.

As for the carved wood, a duster should be used on the excavated areas to prevent the accumulation of dust on them.

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Use of oil for wooden furniture:
Amman - To preserve wooden furniture and keep it in good condition, researcher Hana Khalifa Hammad offers some tips in her book “Home Care Secrets and Solutions” that are summarized in the following steps:
Do not expose furniture to sunlight, because it changes its color and becomes difficult to restore its natural color later.
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-Do not put cups and cups directly on the wooden table, but you should use special protective small dishes or use ordinary small dishes to protect the wood from moisture and heat because it affects it and leaves stains that are sometimes difficult to remove.

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Wood must be cleaned constantly and not allow dust to accumulate on it.

The wood should be wiped with oil from time to time because the oils nourish the wood and keep it from drying out. Drying the wood leads to cracking and giving it an ugly look.

The number of a compressor cleaning company in Jeddah
By calling us on the number of a sewage cleaning company in Jeddah, we immediately go to the place where we want to clean the sumps and use the latest sewage cleaning and suction equipment, which enables us to clean the sumps and remove all impurities and deposits as soon as possible. فني صحي

Call us at any time, our services in the garden cleaning company in Jeddah are available 24 hours a day.
The most important thing that distinguishes our services in a garden cleaning company in Jeddah
There are many companies that work in the field of yard cleaning and sewage wiring. What distinguishes us from the rest of the companies are the following advantages:
Owns the latest sewage suction vehicles and the latest equipment used for cleaning the septic tanks. افضل شركة تسليك مجاري بالرياض

وايت شفط صرف صحي بالرياض

Our workers are trained to use this equipment to clean the orchards as quickly as possible, regardless of the area of the orchards to be cleaned.
We are distinguished by the multiplicity of services we provide to the client, as we clean the sewage, wiring the sewage and sucking the waste water from the sewage.
And more services that you can learn about by contacting the customer service of the Jeddah Garden Cleaning Company.
Sewage suction company from septic tanks in Jeddah
When neglecting the process of cleaning orchards, a lot of solid waste accumulates inside orchards and is filled with polluted water, and many diseases spread as a result of negligence in cleaning orchards. Suction the largest amount of water. سباك صحي الكويت
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The importance of using a garden cleaning company in Jeddah
No one can deny the importance of yard cleaning companies
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The cheapest garden cleaning companies in Jeddah

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Al-Naseem Company has outperformed all yard cleaning companies at the level of all of Jeddah, but rather at the level of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for several things that are available to it only and not others, and among those advantages:
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معلم صحي ممتاز
فني صحي الاحمدي
First: Al-Naseem Company’s services related to cleaning orchards reach all neighborhoods and suburbs of Jeddah, east, west, north and south.
Second: The prices of the Al-Naseem company, the best orchard cleaning company in Jeddah, cannot be compared completely with the prices of any other orchard cleaning companies. Al-Naseem is the cheapest garden cleaning company in Jeddah, despite the quality of its services. فني تركيب مضخات بالكويت
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وايت شفط صرف صحي بالرياض

Third: Our company, Al-Naseem Company, uses the latest equipment that cleans the wells from inside and outside.
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Fourth: Al-Naseem Company has the best chemicals that dissolve all sediments that lead to dirt and clogging of the pits.
Fifthly: Al-Naseem Company is a well-known and tried-and-true company for cleaning orchards in Jeddah, and everyone testifies to it for the quality of services and the low prices. We are a well-tested and cheap cleaning company with very reasonable prices. We are waiting for your contacts.
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فني صحي

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company for cleaning yards in Jeddah
Al-Naseem Company in Jeddah is distinguished by its excellent prices and huge appropriate discounts, which attract the admiration of customers. تنظيف بيارات بالرياض
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تسليك مجاري بالرياض
فني صحي

What are the most common causes of clogging of cisterns in Jeddah?
1- Excessive throwing of papers and napkins into the drains.
2- Accumulation of fat on the inner surfaces of the pipes.
3- The presence of an accumulation of solid materials inside the tube, which leads to blocking it and preventing water from filling inside it.
4- Fall of torrents that exceed the capacity of the cisterns to dispose of them.
5-Using an airtight cover for the orchards, which leads to the entry of garbage and solid materials. سباك الكويت
فني صحي الكويت
معلم صحي الكويت
ادوات صحية الكويت
معلم صحي ممتاز
Problems caused by a blockage
The appearance of unpleasant odors resulting from rotting water inside orchards.
2- Attracting and spreading insects. The spread of disease.
3- The occurrence of a crisis inside the house due to the blockage of the swallows.
4- Obstructing the movement of the streets.
The methods used by the company to clean the orchards
First: Cable wiring. It is considered the best type of wiring and is used in the event that the water level is high and requires one worker to work.
Second: wiping through chemicals, by using chemicals that break down fats and solid materials that cause sewage blockages and turn them into liquid materials.
Tips to solve sewage blockage problems and maintain a smooth sewage drainفني تركيب مضخات بالكويت
فني تركيب مضخات المياه الكويت

وايت شفط بيارات بالرياض

1- Pouring hot water for 30 seconds once a week to avoid any blockages.
2- Put a tablespoon of table salt in the sink and then slowly pour a quarter cup of white vinegar over it. Leave the basin for an hour without using it. Then pour hot water to drain the salt and periodically pour half a cup of any liquid detergent into the sink.
3- When there is a slow draining of water in your bathroom, use a mixture of baking soda and vinegar to deal with it.
4- Resorting to a specialized company that works to solve the problem as soon as possible. فني صحي الاحمدي
فني صحي الفراونية
فني صحي القصور
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