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The capacity of the human mind is not fixed and predetermined like the volume of a geometric object. Instead, it is a feature that is completely extendable. But some cleaning and mental upkeep are required in order to comprehend the new information. As a result, we must be able to unlearn in order to build new places. because the volume of data we manage today is vastly greater than the quantity we previously processed.

Additionally, it is more than just a volume issue; it also involves paradigm shifts and obsolescence. Why does this matter? The speed at which knowledge is updated means that what we discover today might not be true tomorrow. This compels us to manage learning in a dynamic and ongoing manner, free of preconceived notions or dogmas. And that is the infamous unlearning, which, despite appearances, is not a concept opposite to the prior one.  

The brain is not a hard disc that can be formatted, and unlearning does not include wiping knowledge. There is no button to get rid of things we dislike or don't need anymore. It involves refocusing ourselves, considering the material from new perspectives, and developing new points of view. To accomplish this, we must be adaptable, critical of what we already know, and fast to consider new possibilities.  


Unlearning is a process that takes work, does not happen automatically, and does not help people who are not aware of developments. Contrarily, unlearners are amenable to novelty and are prepared to postpone gratification. They take nothing for granted and are disciplined, patient, and expectant. Your future is thus always being revised to include greater options and chances.

The unlearned person prefers going on the journey rather than getting to the destination. Additionally, he is prepared to take a step back and assess the situation if, in the interim, he makes a mistake or discovers anything that generates noise. He is kind to everyone he interacts with, which also explains why he is always open to instruction from anyone. He is forgiving, has a great tolerance for error, and is eager to grow from it.

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We all like to see each other and feel comfortable with our weight. Therefore when we feel we are a bit overweight we establish rules that help us lose weight. However, many times those rules are not appropriate or simply are not necessary, so we can break them sometimes. After all, when it comes to losing weight, there is no rule that benefits us all in the same way, since each person's metabolism works differently. So that you feel more secure when losing weight, it will be useful to know 7 indications to lose weight, which have been widely promulgated, but which really lack scientific basis regarding its effectiveness. Leanbiome

7 rules that you can break when you want to lose weight

1. Do not eat carbohydrates

Generally, when we start a diet we are very demanding with ourselves and it is very common to decide that the first rule is to eliminate the consumption of foods that contain carbohydrates, gluten or fats, such as red meat or wheat.

This strategy can work in the short term, since we force ourselves to eat less. However, these restrictions cannot be sustained for long, so it is likely that after a few months you will increase your weight. When it comes to losing weight it is necessary that you follow a dietary plan that you can maintain over time, with which you feel healthier and avoid feeling weak. Therefore, it is not recommended that you eliminate the consumption of fattening foods in full, as in the case of carbohydrates, gluten or fats.

However, it does not hurt to also take into account some tricks to reduce your carbohydrate intake without your body noticing too much. In this sense, if you want to eat carbohydrates, it is recommended that you combine them with lighter and fresher foods such as vegetables, as well as with foods rich in proteins and less processed.

2. Skip some foods

Skipping any food during the course of the day can, without a doubt, be very stressful and cause you health problems, among which weakness, dizziness and fatigue can be highlighted. Research indicates that the frequency of meals is not as important as the quality and quantity of food consumed during the day. In fact, some researchers have found that, as long as the total calories and nutrients are the same throughout the day, the number of meals does not affect the loss or increase of fat. So you have to evaluate your options and see which is best suited to your lifestyle. Leanbiome Reviews

3. Consume only protein powder

It is common for athletes to want to gain more muscle, and therefore resort to consuming large amounts of protein. This macronutrient also helps keep you satiated for hours. However, research shows that, in the particular case of protein powder, it is much more effective when accompanied by a complete diet.

According to a study published in The Journal of Nutrition, when people took whey protein for 23 weeks, they reported having a smaller amount of body fat and a much smaller waistline.

This is so because protein powder can help build muscle, but it has also shown that, to be effective, it needs to be combined with a complete diet.

4. Do not eat dietary supplements

It is true that many supplements contain an ingredient that has the ability to supplement food artificially, but that does not mean that they can present health risks, on the contrary, they can be very beneficial. In this regard, some scientists have found that fish oil can help fight body fat. They also indicate that omega-3s may help fight against cortisol - the stress hormone produced by the body - and that it also makes it easier for the body to store fat. This way you can determine that if you control cortisol, you can burn more body fat.

5. Sleep little

One of the oldest myths related to weight loss is that to achieve this you must perform diets and exercise, so you will burn the calories that cause overweight. However, research has been done that says that not getting enough sleep can directly contribute to weight gain.

Research has found that people who sleep five hours or less every night gained almost 2.5 times more abdominal fat than those who sleep between six and seven hours. This is because not getting enough sleep can slow down the metabolism, increase the appetite and, as a consequence, the number of calories.

For all the above described, it is essential that to lose weight not only you base in diet and exercise, but in taking a proper rest.

6. Do not have a snack

This myth is undoubtedly one of the most negative, since it prohibits you from consuming snacks that can be very tasty and delight your palate. Fortunately, you should not stop eating, you just have to do it in a more efficient way and that benefits your health. Leanbiome Secrets

6.1 What foods are the best for a snack?

The best snacks are made up of whole and natural foods such as the following:

·       Apples

·       Carrots

·       Peanut butter.

·       Chickpeas puree.

In addition, it is ideal that if you are going to consume other types of snacks that contain more calories reduce their size as much as possible.

7. Spend hours exercising

Whenever we want to lose weight the first thing that comes to mind is that we must follow a hard physical training program to burn calories and get fit.

Fortunately, recent research has shown that 30 minutes of exercise per day can be as effective at burning fat as 60 minutes. In addition, scientists have discovered that 3 workouts of 15 minutes per week are enough to significantly increase metabolism and accelerate fat loss. The best thing is that these studies were only based on exercise, so when you combine a day of physical exercise with an adequate dietary program, you get better results (always accompanied by an optimal rest, as we indicated above).

Reaching a balanced diet that does not falter in any way can be a really difficult challenge with the accelerated pace of life that many people lead today. In this sense, the body is the best judge of the success or failure of these efforts thanks to the signals that are reflected in it, being imperceptible to some but which undoubtedly represent important warnings about this. Cortexi


On the one hand, if the food meets what the body needs, it is possible to observe how the hair cells respond positively, softening the texture of the skin and enhancing the natural shine of the hair, but otherwise, the body will respond with Acute fatigue and losing aesthetic characteristics that for many go unnoticed. In case of experiencing any of the following problems continuously, it is necessary to go to the doctor to receive advice in this regard.

5 signs of a nutritional deficit

1. Dry, pale or stained skin

Although dry skin is not uncommon when cold climates are concerned, it is necessary to pay attention when this is recurrent, since it is a sign of a deficiency in the levels of Omega-3 in the body. Increasing the amounts of fish in your diet can be the solution to this problem immediately.

Likewise, detecting strange-looking spots on the skin or unusual pallor may signal a deficiency in the levels of red blood cells in the blood, which can be fixed by increasing the consumption of red meat or spinach.

2. Facial deterioration

Although the face is one of the parts of the body that receives the most care on a day to day basis, it is possible that poor diet generates deterioration in the face. Signs such as brittle lips or excessive acne are present when the diet is not the most appropriate.

However, that can be corrected with some slight changes to the daily diet. Increase the consumption of eggs, nuts, salmon and broccoli can help increase the amounts of riboflavin in the body, significantly improving the fragility of the lips, while Omega-3 will again be our ally necessary to reduce excess fat causes acne. Cortexi Reviews


3. Brittle or discolored hair

Hair loss in small amounts is one of the common routines of the body (daily we lose around 100 strands of hair), but when this translates into whole handfuls it can be a sign of something else. In this sense, the hair brittle, with little brightness or that evidences the appearance of early gray hair shows signs that should not be taken lightly.

Both situations have been linked to deficiencies in the consumption of vitamin C and D, which results in the loss of collagen and copper, both elements of great importance for hair color and health. Cortexi customer report


This is why it is important to improve the consumption of proteins and fruits rich in vitamin C , while dairy products are the solution to improve the levels of vitamin D in the body.

4. Fragile nails or with strange spots

Nails are one of the elements of the body that quickly reflect the effects of deficit of certain nutrients in the body.

It is possible that if you experience numbers of cases of broken or detached nails there is a lack of biotin (also known as vitamin H) in the body. This insufficiency of biotin is reflected in the body by the appearance of strange-colored nails (with white spots or abnormal rings of the same color or brown nails).

This can improve notably consuming eggs, grains and nuts in a regular way, achieving an almost absolute improvement in these symptoms according to scientific studies. Similarly, foods rich in iron can be the solution to this problem, such as fish, crustaceans and again the egg .

5. Difficulty to heal or heal external wounds

Experiencing some type of difficulty in closing wounds is a clear symptom that food is not at its best point of balance.

While wounds do not always heal quickly, maintaining a low level of protein in the body can cause wounds to not close in normal time lapses or even open again. This happens when you do not consume enough foods that have proteins (doctors suggest that at least 15% of the food consumed per day should be based on protein), since this element is the most important for the healing process.

For this reason, it is recommended to increase the consumption levels of red meat and grains; It is also helpful to increase the consumption of fruits, since vitamin C is an important factor in the process of tissue regeneration.


Although nutrition is the basis of good health, these small indicators can help correct possible failures in our diet, especially in regard to foods that we must increase or reduce. However, in no way does this substitute for medical help and you should always go to health professionals if the symptoms continue or become even more pronounced.

1. Limit the consumption of fast food

Follow the 80% -20% rule. This rule is very simple; it consists of making 80% of the day's consumption in a healthy way, with unprocessed products and avoiding unhealthy products or fast food, in order to eat only 20% less healthy food. This balance throughout the days will help you lose weight without having to restrict your whims to 100%. You will also keep anxiety at bay, since by not having daily restrictions the level of anxiety does not intensify. Glucofreeze Reviews


2. Give variety to your diet

If your meals are constituted with a great variety of foods, you are making sure to provide the greatest number of nutrients, since each of the foods helps us to complement a type of vitamins. Glucofreeze secrets


The ideal is to combine carbohydrates, proteins of high biological value and healthy fats in the same food, such as fish and nuts. Take as a reference to provide in your food those three macronutrients and go combining them in a different and varied way.

3. Avoid eating with anxiety

There are moments throughout the week where anxiety takes hold of us, whether due to stress or simply because of the craving to eat something not very nutritious but rich for the palate. In those moments we must be especially careful with what we decide to eat, as the feeling of anxiety will make us eat without satisfying ourselves. Glucofreeze


The best thing in these cases is to choose a food rich in nutrients as a first course that makes us sate and, once that meal is over, give us the whim of the chocolate or the food that we crave. In this way, we will be well satisfied, so that our palate will be satiated much earlier, preventing us from eating almost 60-70% less than if we decided to eat the craving in the first place.