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C and Embedded C differ primarily in that C is used to produce general-purpose applications whereas Embedded C is utilized to develop embedded systems. The high-level, general-purpose programming language C can be used to develop operating systems, hardware drivers, databases, and other applications. However, embedded C is a development of C.

What is C?

The high-level programming language C was discovered by Dennis Ritchie while developing the UNIX operating system. The bulk of programming languages, such as Python, Java, JavaScript, etc., are built upon it. The C language's iteration constructs (for, do while, and while loops), functions, and selection constructs (if, else), among others, facilitate organized programming. Applications developed with the C programming language commonly include operating systems, databases, compilers, interpreters, and network drives.

C is a compiler-based programming language as well. As a result, it works more swiftly. The C compiler instantly transforms the full source code into the matching machine code. The CPU can execute the task stated in the source code because it can understand this machine code. Furthermore, when writing C applications, the programmer is in charge of memory allocation. There are functions like This and malloc that allow for dynamic memory allocation. Using these functions and pointers, he may implement dynamic memory allocation.

What is Embedded C?

Embedded systemsare defined as devices that can perform one or more tasks. This kind of system also includes both mechanical and electrical components. All embedded systems have a microcontroller that controls and manages their functionality. A C language extension that facilitates the development of embedded systems is called embedded C. Or to put it another way, it is advantageous to program devices with microcontrollers.

The C standards committee enhanced the C language in 2008 to enable its usage in the development of embedded systems. In Embedded C, several new functionalities have been included. Among these are fundamental I/O hardware addressing, named address spaces, and fixed-point mathematics. Most of the programming features found in embedded C are also found in standard C. These consist of items like the main function, data type declarations, loops, functions, arrays, structures, strings, units, bit operations, macros, and so on.

Difference Between C and Embedded CDefinition

C programming is organized and suited for all applications. To address compatibility issues between C extensions for diverse embedded devices, Embedded C, on the other hand, is a set of language extensions for the C programming language. This is the main difference between C and Embedded C.

Compilation and Execution

The C programming language's standard compiler also helps with compiling and running the program. Embedded C needs specialized compilers to create outputs for microcontrollers. So this is again another difference between C and Embedded C.


Functionality is another important feature between C and Embedded C. The operating system affects the executable files that the C compiler generates. Hardware-specific files are created by embedded C compilers as their output. They can be uploaded by the microcontroller to perform the action.


The GNU Compiler Collection and Borland Turbo C are two examples of C compilers that can compile and run C applications. With the help of programs like the Keil compiler and BiPOM Electronics' Embedded training and development, embedded C applications can be produced and operated.

Hardware Dependency

The dependency on hardware is another difference between C and embedded C. For C, hardware is of no significance. Therefore, hardware knowledge is not necessary for a programmer to build C applications. However, hardware is required for Embedded C. As a result, the programmer needs to have a thorough understanding of hardware in order to write Embedded C programs.


The applications between C and Embedded C also vary. Network drivers, interpreters, compilers, operating systems, and text editors are a few examples of C applications. But the construction of embedded systems like robotics, intelligent monitoring systems, and vehicle tracking systems, among others, is made easier with the help of Embedded C.

Comparison of C and Embedded C
  • This article may only discuss the differences between C and Embedded C, however, there are also a lot of commonalities.

  • For instance, creating software and hardware applications may merely call for employing the foundations of C, maybe in combination with Embedded C.

  • Because embedded systems have limited resources, creating them involves a special set of challenges.

  • Programming embedded systems also include interacting with actual hardware under software control.

  • C has become the most widely used language for programming embedded systems, despite the fact that there are many others that have existed in the past and are still being developed.

  • Some of the C features that help programmers of embedded systems write better programs were covered in this article.


C and Embedded C differ primarily in that C is used to produce general-purpose applications whereas Embedded C is utilized to develop embedded systems. In essence, embedded C is a C extension that makes it possible to program systems utilizing microcontrollers.

In this essay, we'll cover blockchain certification for professionals in 2022 in a straightforward approach for newbies. Blockchain is expected to be one of the technologies that is used the most.

What is Blockchain?

Blockchainis a method of data storage that makes it difficult or impossible to alter, hack, or defraud the system.

In essence, a blockchain is a network of computers that maintains several copies of each transaction in a distributed digital ledger. Every time a new transaction occurs on the blockchain, a record of it is added to each participant's ledger, and each block on the chain consists of a number of transactions. The term "distributed ledger technology" describes a decentralised database governed by many users (DLT).

Top Picks for Blockchain Certifications

Interest in cryptocurrencies and blockchain certificates is growing among many new online firms. The security and transparency that this technology offers are some of the elements that have helped cryptocurrencies gain popularity over the past few years.

Cryptocurrencies' core technology has not changed. It is especially useful for maintaining data linked to open transactions. The best thing about this technology is that it doesn't need outside confirmation. The study of blockchain's practical applications is a developing field.

The adoption of blockchain has increased interest in studying this technology among developers worldwide. Thanks to smart contracts and other blockchain-based technologies, the industry has undergone a number of changes. As blockchain technology advances, expertise will be needed.

Blockchain Certification for Professionals in 20221. Certified Blockchain Architect 

The Certified Blockchain Architect (CBA) certification is one of the best blockchain credentials available. It strives to provide you with the information and expertise needed to make wise decisions concerning blockchain technology. The certification comprises of an introduction and five different courses covering topics like Building Your Own Network Nodes, Fundamentals of Blockchain Architecture, and Tools Needed for Blockchain Architecture.

2.  Certified Hyperledger Developer

Another of the top blockchain certifications, the Certified Hyperledger Developer Training program, seeks to give students a comprehensive understanding of Composer and the Hyperledger Fabric. This certification, which was developed by experts, gives you the knowledge needed to work as a hyper ledger developer.

3. Blockchain Specialization

This specialist certification offers a blockchain introduction. This course will equip you with the knowledge necessary to create applications for the Ethereum blockchain. The certification, which covers important topics relevant to blockchain technology and decentralized applications, is conducted on a private Ethereum blockchain platform. It is mostly aimed at programmers and designers who wish to build and use blockchain apps. One must be proficient in at least one high-level programming language.

4. Certified Smart Contract Developer

With this certification, you may become a Certified Smart Contract Developer and gain knowledge about smart contracts and how to create them on any blockchain platform. You don't need any prior Ethereum Blockchain expertise to acquire this certification.

This training and exam-based program covers the design of Smart Contracts. The Certified Smart Contract Developer Exam, Understanding the Fundamentals of Smart Contracts, and an Introduction to Ethereum are among the topics covered.

5. Advance Your Skills In The Blockchain

Like previous online blockchain courses, the study route starts with an introduction to the principles of blockchain technology with a focus on Ethereum. Once Swift gains momentum with building decentralized apps and understands Solidity to build smart contracts, the course also covers iOS development with Swift.

The course is therefore designed for students who have experience with object-oriented programming and are familiar with a variety of programming languages. The training also deepens your comprehension of cryptocurrency and contemporary security measures.

Students who successfully complete the course will be awarded a certificate and be qualified to apply for jobs in the blockchain industry.


The future of blockchain technology is really bright. Organizations can now carry out business transactions in a transparent and secure manner thanks to this technology. Blockchain technology is particularly alluring to start-ups due to its low cost. According to our understanding, this technology will be used by the majority of corporate sectors due to its efficiency and capacity for innovation. Therefore, there would be an increase in demand for qualified blockchain developers. Business owners are already looking for blockchain developers who can help them transform their business goals using this incredible technology. The time is now for blockchain enthusiasts to sign up for one of these interesting courses.
