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An electronic wallet is an account in an electronic payment system, a kind of analogue of a bank account. 

You can access the site of such a system from your computer, or from your smartphone, by installing a mobile app. The system displays how much electronic money you have. This money can be withdrawn from the e-wallet to a bank card or in cash, or deposited from a bank card or in cash through terminals.

Why do I need an electronic wallet?

With the development of the bank card market in Europe, online banking, the growth of terminals in shops, the relevance of e-wallets has decreased slightly recently, but they still have advantages.


Electronic payment systems themselves say that their system is convenient because there is no need to disclose your card data to the third parties.

It is safer to use an e-wallet for online purchases than to pay by card. And when you pay with an e-wallet you don"t have to enter your details.

Where can I get a wallet?

Creating an e-wallet

 is easy enough. You need to choose an electronic payment system, go to its website or download a mobile app and register there by entering your personal details. You will also need to go through a verification procedure: you will be asked to upload a photo of your ID and a picture of you with your ID.

In other words, you will not be able to remain fully anonymous to use your wallet fully - your passport data will be stored in the system.

Anything can happen on the road - drivers with experience will confirm.

 All actions on the road are regulated by law and traffic rules, but sometimes drivers use their own "sign language. This sign language is not learned in a driving school, but you can always learn it from experienced drivers. It does not always mean you have a driver's license but you can always get one

What does blinking high beam of an oncoming car mean, why did the driver show you his head, and why is the right turn signal on the truck, but it doesn't turn? 

If you've ever encountered something like this and don't know what it means, be sure to check out our article on the unspoken rules of driving. Unspoken doesn't mean forbidden or against the law. It's about accepted gestures that are not legally enforceable.

    1. Blinking high beam at the oncoming car, as a rule, warns of the danger in the form of an accident, road repairs, and other troubles. In the world practice this sign is regarded as a call to reduce the speed - we recommend to interpret it in the same way.

    2. Far light (or blinking) in the back indicates that the driver is in a hurry and asks to give way to him. In most cases such gesture is typical for drivers with aggressive driving style, so it is better to let them pass and continue your trip calmly.

    3. A short high beam on the side indicates that the driver is asking to let him pass. Typically used when there is heavy traffic, which is hard to fit into. If you are pulling out from the side, a short car horn means "passing."

    4. Short blinking of emergency lights (1-3 times) symbolizes gratitude or apology for the sloppy maneuver. If someone lets you pass or gives way - flash your hazard lights, be polite.

     5. A short beep - a dual sign, which can mean both gratitude, and attraction of your attention for some other reason. It all depends on the situation.

    6. Turn signal gestures are commonly used on the highway by bus and long-haul truck drivers.

When you first come across the choice of video intercom in an apartment or a private house, the variety can be daunting and even a little frightening. 


This is the brain of the whole system.

 It depends on the monitor the ability to remotely control the phone, call or motion recording, as well as storing information on the memory card.

Only the simplest store has more than 40 models of monitors to choose from, but in fact, everything is quite trivial. Main characteristics:

                                       Screen diagonal

This is the first factor you should pay attention to. 

Here everyone chooses for himself, to some only a glimpse of the guest, and someone wants to consider in detail.

 Of course, for the older generation is better to choose a bigger screen, that would not have to look closely.

                                         Control from a phone

Agree, it is very convenient when you are not at home, and someone calls you at the intercom or at the door, and you can easily answer the person on the phone.

 And with video, and even open the door! 

Or you are lying at home in front of the TV and you don't feel like getting up...

In fact, the option is simple, it is either there or not. 

The price of course affects, but the intercom is bought for ten years in advance and the monitors have a warranty of 3 years and 7 years of free service! Therefore, why not make life a little easier?) 

Especially since there is now a very good choice of intercom apartment

Psychologia kasyn online

Rynek kasyn online jest prawdopodobnie jednym z największych sukcesów ery Internetu. 

Z przychodami, które mają przekroczyć 100 miliardów dolarów do 2024 roku, jest to sektor, który nie zniknie w najbliższym czasie.

Jak więc operatorom kasyn online udaje się urzec tak duży procent populacji?

Odpowiedzią jest psychologia, a w szczególności mieszanka marketingu internetowego i psychologii graczy/podejmowania ryzyka oraz oczywiście możliwość wygrania pieniędzy lub otrzymania bonusów bez depozytu

Jakie więc metody stosują kasyna online i czy wszystkie są koniecznie złe?

 Kasyna internetowe nie podejmują ryzyka

Podczas gdy użytkownicy kasyn mogą skupiać się na aspekcie ryzyko/zysk, dla operatorów ryzyko jest najbardziej nieistotną kwestią.

      a) Projektanci kasyn studiują psychologię człowieka i szczegółowo badają, jak ludzie myślą, czują i zachowują się.

     b) Operatorzy wydają miliony dolarów każdego roku, próbując zrozumieć psychologię graczy.

     c) Celem jest naukowe podejście do sztuki hazardu i opracowanie oferty kasyn, które zachęcają do otwierania kont i wielokrotnego do nich wracania.

Zatem, jakie znasz metody, które są stosowane, aby ludzie oddawali swoje pieniądze, a potem wracali, aby dać jeszcze trochę?