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Tag search results for: "plumbing"
Bruce Vincet
IntroductionIn the scorching heat of summer, your air conditioner becomes a lifeline for comfort. However, what happens when it unexpectedly breaks down, leaving you in a sweltering situation? This is where the need for emergency AC repairarises. In this article, we will delve into the importance of swift action, the common issues leading to emergencies, and practical solutions for quick relief. Understanding the UrgencyWhy is emergency AC repair so crucial? The answer lies in the discomfort and health risks associated with prolonge... more
Stela Jones
What is the difference between PVC and CPVC?CPVC is manufactured thru the chlorination of ordinary polyvinyl thermoplastic, and that is why we name it Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride (CPVC). Usually, the manufacturing of CPVC includes a free radical chlorination process. At the post-production level, decomposed Chlorine fuel comes in contact with PVC. A section of Hydrogen in everyday polyvinyl receives change with free-radical chlorine in the decomposed gas. Modern improvements in manufacturing approaches enable precise chlorination ... more