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Tag search results for: "haccp"
joe robbins
Defining HACCPHACCP Certification is a food safety system certification that helps businesses identify and prevent food safety hazards. The HACCP Certification process involves identifying potential food safety hazards and then putting steps in place to reduce or eliminate those hazards. Businesses that have obtained this Certification demonstrate a commitment to food safety and are able to provide customers with assurances that their food is safe to eat.ImportanceFood safety is a top priority for businesses, and HACCP Certification ... more
joe robbins Oct 5 '24 · Tags: haccp
The development of an increasingly developed food world requires each country to collaborate to meet their needs. The process of international trade is not always easy to do and usually the provisions applied by destination countries are non-negotiable. Regulation and sensitive issues concerning food are considered by a country to be able to import food and food from other countries. To overcome these problems, the export-oriented food and beverage industry must meet international quality standards related to food safety management ... more