Introduction to POE Harvest League skills from CSCCA's blog

One thing players need to know is that when they enter the Harvest League, they need to optimize their existing skills. Every player can't wait to enter the game and have fun. They also reserve a bunch of POE Currency for the new league in advance so that they can start planting seeds directly after entering the game. This article mainly introduces how the existing skills in Harvest League have changed.

The biggest change is in brand skills. Players can now quickly return the brand skills after releasing the brand skills, and the brand skills will not refresh the duration of the new skills on the way back. Players will also show the accompanying spell effects while releasing Arcanist brand skills. Like a popular virus, hard-working brand skills do not cause violent damage to the enemy at the beginning, but gradually erode the nearby enemies. When it leaves the target, it will cause serious damage to the target. Players can upgrade the skill damage effect by combining multiple brand skills.

Slam Skills will provide greater range of damage and a more useful engine system. New Slam Skills with a wider range of damage replace the old skill mechanisms. Players lose a chance to sprint every three attacks. POE also added a new superb skill named Earthshatter to the game. Players can use it to send skills and damage in five directions at the same time. It will immediately burst into a huge explosion effect if it collides with other slamming skills.

Fans of POE are looking forward to these tempting skills. They all hope to complete each challenge individually with the help of skills. It not only helps them get all POE Orbs and POE Items alone, but also helps them to improve their combat experience and enhance their combat strength. As mentioned earlier, players who want to enter the POE Harvest League should reserve some POE Currency for backup. They have to hurry and go to Buy POE Currency if they don’t have enough funds. The release date of Harvest League is getting closer!

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