EA has not yet decided who will appear on Madden NFL's covers from Skyzhay's blog

Since Madden's demise, Madden NFL Madden 22 coins fans have been begging to get Madden to be included the cover of Madden NFL 23's front cover. Though the cover usually is reserved for a star athlete, Madden NFL 22's cover stars broke some traditions by themselves and many believe the cover dedicated to Madden would be the perfect way to remember the legend. Some fans even went to the extreme of creating mock covers with Madden as well as some fans, such as @antwon_creates, have posted them on social media sites.

EA has not yet decided who will appear on Madden NFL's covers. However, an edition of the game featuring Madden would certainly be an easy method to please players and pay tribute to an iconic figure in football.

Like all sports, Madden NFL has a multi-platform release annually However it seems that over the last few times, Madden NFL has conspicuously left out Nintendo in fact, the only time that a Madden NFL game was played on the Nintendo gaming device was Madden NFL 13 for Nintendo's Wii U. This is unforgivable, considering that there are plenty of football enthusiasts who would benefit from having a Switch port of Madden NFL sports. According to rumours, things could be different in the coming years with Madden NFL 23, and gamers may finally enjoy the benefits of a Switch release.

These rumors are inspired by job postings cheap Mut 22 coins from EA seeking a programmers in Madden NFL who has experience with "Microsoft, Sony, or Nintendo game consoles." Some believe that this could mean that EA is making plans for future Madden releases on Nintendo gaming systems. Although there is no confirmation of a Nintendo release for Madden NFL 23 is not yet been confirmed EA will increase the Madden player base through this.

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