The novel mechanics from Path of Exile Harvest impressed players from CSCCA's blog

Since the release of Path of Exile Harvest, its ranking on steam has soared until it has stabilized in the top ten. GGG announced that the Harvest League had achieved the same initial success as the other leagues had just launched. Many potential players attracted by the news of POE 2, which has led to a substantial increase in the number of players in the game. Many players hope that the game team can use the innovative mechanism in Harvest to do a better job on the POE 2 production system, so they are more willing to buy POE Currency.

Now many players have already experienced Harvest. They generally know that they can slaughter monsters generated from the seeds they breed in Harvest to obtain various scarce materials and higher-level seeds. The more loot players can reap in a cycle. They can also make exquisite handicrafts in exchange for POE Items.

The most fundamental role for players in the Harvest League is the seed. Many players regard planting and harvesting as an entertaining mini-game. They can get a corresponding amount of loot through their own efforts which makes them very fulfilled. Players can also use those rare and precious materials to attach more powerful attributes to their weapons and equipment to gain an absolute advantage in combat. When the vitality harvested by the players has not exhausted, they can also condense the vitality to make full preparations for the next harvest.

POE Harvest league is in full swing. In the game, although players need not use too many Exalted Orb and POE Items to establish their advantages, for those novice players who have just entered POE, Buy POE Currency is a very necessary thing to do. They need start-up funds to complete the initial work in the Harvest League. Harvest League will continue to present more interesting content for players. Every player will get what they want as long as they work hard.

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