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Role of Amino Acids in DNA and Protein Synthesis
  • Genetic Code and Codons: The genetic code within DNA determines the cellular function via translation, where the nucleotide sequence within mRNA is interpreted. This sequence is broken into three-nucleotide units known as codons, with most codons representing amino acids, and the remaining codons representing stop signals that trigger the end of protein synthesis

  • Translation Process: During translation, the mRNA sequence is "read" according to the genetic code, with each group of three bases in mRNA constituting a codon that specifies a particular amino acid. This process involves the precise order in which amino acids are linked to produce a specific protein
  • Amino Acid Synthesis: Amino acid synthesis is the set of biochemical processes by which amino acids are produced. These amino acids are essential building blocks for proteins, and their specific sequence is determined by the organism's DNA, which codes for a particular sequence of amino acids
  • DNA's Role in Protein Synthesis
    • DNA and Protein Specification: DNA carries the code for specific polypeptides, and each molecule of mRNA is a transcribed copy of a gene used by a cell for synthesizing a polypeptide chain. The sequence of nucleotides in RNA is translated into an amino acid sequence, which is a fundamental aspect of protein synthesis

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    By mephedrone synthesis
    Added Jan 29



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