What are the pros and cons of Satin fabric? from khedmehcom's blog

Q: What are the pros and cons of Satin fabric?

What are the pros and cons of Satin fabric?


Visually, it has a very natural luster

Soft texture

The surface is smooth, delicate, good drape, and will not have a rough feeling

Good air permeability


The satin is weak in fastness

Easy drawing

Crease easily

Lack of dimensionality

The smoothness and flexibility of the fabric can increase the sense of opulence, satin has been regarded as a precious fabric since ancient times, and the price of satin is not so expensive today, but the sense of temperament conveyed is still very strong, and the noble sense cannot be erased. Satin pieces are also comfortable and cool, especially suitable for summer and fall wear.

Satin fabric https://www.yongshuntextile.com/product/Cotton-Fabric/Satin-fabric/

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By khedmehcom
Added Jan 22



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