Chunfang has a rest from Nicholson's blog

Kui Daomao read the book to see the rise, did not pay attention to the side of the movement, but behind the service of the wind, back to the snow two servant girls see Xi Daowei such a posture, winking at the side. When she saw that there was nothing around her, she couldn't help asking aloud, "Mei, don't you put a charcoal basin beside you?" When Daomao heard this, he put down the book and said with a smile, "I'm not cold." When she heard this, she felt a little uneasy. After hesitating for a moment, she said to the woman beside her, "Let's all go down." "Little Lady?" The servant looked at her in puzzlement. She coughed lightly and said, "Take it down quickly." "No." The crowd hurried to retire. Kui Daomao thought to himself, this child is young, really cautious in doing things, unexpectedly can think of anything, this Zhu Shi is also good. At this time, Xi Kui also led an old gentleman about fifty years old to come in. Daomao and Daowei got up in surprise: "Father!" "Father!" The two men screamed at the same time. He nodded slightly and said, "This is Mr. Su." The two of them stood in front of Mr. Su at the same time. Mao Daomao stood in front of her. Wei Daomao was behind her. People put on cushions. They knelt on their knees,Carbon in Pulp, palms on the ground, bent down so that their upper bodies were parallel to the ground, and their heads were slightly lower than their bodies. They bowed to Mr. Su, "Mr. Su." Mr. Su took the tea from the two men, and after drinking it, he motioned for them to get up. He exchanged a few pleasantries with Mr. Su, and after offering a bundle of tea, he left with Mr. Su. Only then did he know that he had come back from the government office specially for the sake of their worship ceremony,Portable gold trommel, so he came and went in a hurry. Mr. Su is nearly sixty years old. He is kind, open-minded and free and easy. He is quite a celebrity. When it comes to "Nei Ze" and "Nu Jie", they are just dragonflies skimming the surface of the water. Instead, they put all their efforts into "The Analects of Confucius". In her past and present life, she has heard people talk about the Analects of Confucius several times, but no matter how many times she still "benefits a lot". In particular, Mr. Su's study of the Analects of Confucius is incisive and profound, and his interpretation of the text quotes the classics and explains the profound in simple terms, which is quite a master's style. It is really his own good fortune for him to enlighten himself. Therefore, Xi Daomao was very respectful to this gentleman, and his attitude of earnest study made Su Wen very gratified. When Su Wen came to his house to open the restaurant, it was only because of his face, and when he heard that Mrs. Wei had praised the young lady of the house, he reluctantly agreed. Originally thought to teach one or two years can leave, tin beneficiation plant ,gold shaking table, but do not want to be a rare smart and progressive child, really overjoyed, teaching up but also more attentive. Sometimes the heart can not help but regret, but it is a pity that this child as a daughter, if a man will have a great future. In addition to attending classes at Mr. Su's office every morning, Xi Daomao also studied with the needlework teacher invited by Cui in the afternoon, and sometimes studied with Cui as a housekeeper. In the eyes of outsiders, she seems to have a very hard life, in fact, she has a very leisurely life, after all, everyone's requirements for a five-year-old girl's schoolwork will not be too high. Dragon Boat Festival (1) The rain began to fall from last night, and it gradually stopped when it was fast. The water fell down the eaves of the ditch to the bluestone slab, making a clear sound. He Daomao put down the book in his hand, got up and pushed open the window, a fresh air wrapped in water vapor came to her face, she involuntarily took a deep breath, the cool air inhaled into her heart, let her spirit a shock. Young lady, you've been reciting books for almost an hour. Drink some flower dew and have a rest first. Just as Xi Daomao was breathing fresh air, the damselfly came in with a cup of flower dew and lifted the curtain. Seeing Xi Daomao standing in front of the window, she couldn't help laughing and said, "It's time for the young lady to get up and look at the scenery outside. Go out for a walk. What's the point of staying in the study?" "What time is it, Grandma?" He asked. "Just arrived at Chenshi." The damselfly handed the flower dew to Daomao. Is Father back? He Daomao took the flower dew and took a shallow sip. Today is my father's rare rest day. Lang Jun didn't come back until yesterday. Said the damselfly. As soon as he heard that his father was coming back, he put down the flower dew and called out, "Liu Feng." "Little Lady." The wind was waiting at the door, and when he heard Xi Daomao's call, he lifted the curtain and came in. "You help me sort out my homework these days, and my father may check it later." He Daomao ordered. No. Liu Feng answered. Is the young lady going to the upper room? Change your clothes first. The damselfly said that the clothes on the little lady's body were specially made by her for the convenience of reading and writing. The style was similar to Hu's clothes. If it hadn't been for the little lady's repeated assurances that she would never wear these clothes in front of outsiders, the lady would not have allowed the little lady to wear them. Uh Nodding his head, he knelt down in front of the bronze mirror and let the damselfly comb his hair. Liu Feng came in and asked, "Young lady, all the homework you've written these days is here. Will you take it all to Lang Jun?" "Half of it is enough," he said, glancing at the thick stack of homework. "No." The damselfly could not help smiling when she heard this. She looked at Xi Daomao with relief and approval. At the same time, she neatly tied up Xi Daomao's soft hair into two small buns. Xi Daomao looked at himself in the bronze mirror with a double bun, somewhat inadaptable, after all, so many years have been scattered habits, how time flies ah, three years have passed in a twinkling of an eye. The damselfly chose two delicate and small beaded flowers from Xi Daomao's jewelry box and put them on her hairpin. "Little lady, there are some new Buffalo milk in the kitchen just now. I'll burn it for you as a snack later."? Last time the lady heard that you wanted to drink Buffalo milk, she ordered Chuang Tzu to bring it as soon as he had it. Kui Daomao lowered his head and thought, "Milk is rare. It's not interesting to eat it hot. Mother caught a cold a few days ago and felt uncomfortable all the time. I'll make a bowl of crisp cheese for her later so that she can have an appetizer.". Isn't Adi always shouting that he wants to eat stone honey crisp cheese? Just did it together. The damselfly said, "The stone honey cheese is a little sweet and greasy. The lady has a bad appetite recently. Maybe she can't eat it." "Granny's right,manganese beneficiation plant," said Daomao, "but I don't want to make stone honey cheese." Daomao tilted his head and thought for a moment, then suddenly he had a flash of inspiration. "Yes! I can make ginger cheese! 。

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By Nicholson
Added Aug 29 '22


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