Bespoke Marine, Barge & Crane Services from pmgsocial media's blog

Our company has been providing barges for customer needs ranging anywhere from heavy lift and project cargoes to marine construction support. Please refer to the specifications for each barge in the equipment section of this website. If you do not see a barge that can fill your needs, please do not hesitate to contact us. We track all barges operating on the point you in the right direction.We have a wide array of marine transportation services and offer ocean towing services - barge service.

With a wide scope of job requirements to execute, our equipment needs to be as versatile in performance as we are. Our crane fleet is comprised of crawler cranes, each proven & used in offshore and inland construction, as well as heavy-lift applications.We provide crane rental, excavator rental, and bucket rental through our heavy division and barges, dredges, scows, and tugs through our marine division. Our equipment is not only in top-notch condition but it is provided at reasonable rates and from various locations- barge rental.

In combination with the heavy lift and transportation logistics, our engineers provide you with the sea-fastening details and equipment, structural analysis of the vessel and cargo, as well as the loading and ballast plans. We are familiar with the vessels and operators in the heavy lift industry, and strive to find the best match for each project.

We specialize in complex projects that require substantial engineering, planning, project management, logistics expertise and specialized equipment. We have a range of services when it comes to moving large industrial structures such as container cranes including slide backs, localized port movements, and complete structure relocations. In addition, we have equipment and systems that can be assembled in vacant areas to minimize disruptions to daily port activities. For more information, please visit our site

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