Top 5 Reasons to Study business essay at University from Gerald Cagle's blog

Everyone has heard of the business, marketing, management, and technology studies. But what about finance? You might be interested to study finance but not sure if it’s a perfect choice. 

Finance is a very important subject to study at university (or even earlier) because of its wide range of opportunities. A few students find it difficult to cope with homework tasks related to this particular subject, but the right business essay help should wipe out your worries.

We will look at the top five reasons why you should consider taking up this often misunderstood field of study.

1. Financial Markets

FinTech (financial technology) is an area on the rise that's becoming more relevant day by day. It's an industry on its own with billions of dollars traded on financial markets every year. 

People trade everything from stocks to derivatives around the clock on computers in all parts of the world. This makes it one of the most dynamic industries in existence where new ideas are constantly introduced and old ones adapted or discarded.

This creates a great deal of demand for experts in the financial markets and this is one of the reasons why finance should be considered as a potential area of study.

2. The Importance of Futures and Options

These two terms mean little to most people outside the industry but they're key components to success in many industries these days.

Whether it's supply chains, commodities, energy, food, or production; understanding futures and options means you can make better decisions when sourcing materials or handling other aspects such as storage or transportation.

Not only that, but the fundamental principles behind both concepts are integral towards understanding how transactions work on financial markets, which we will cover next!

3. Understanding Financial Transactions

Whether you're importing goods from overseas or selling your company to another multinational, financial transactions are an integral part of how business works.

Understanding these transactions requires knowing the basics about currencies, what money is, and how interest rates affect spending or saving habits.

All these topics are covered in finance courses! For example, risk management (a field within finance) looks at how one can practically manage investment risks by determining which assets or income sources can be used to minimize certain types of risk.

When you think about it, almost all businesses have some sort of element where they need to mitigate their exposure either towards credit risk, market risk, or operational risk. 

And understanding these principles isn't difficult, they're simply a matter of looking at past trends and figuring out the underlying patterns behind transaction behavior.

4. The Basics of Investments

Most people will at least hear about someone investing in the stock market, but most don't understand what is involved with it or how to do it themselves.

Investing is all about risk management, understanding how to minimize your exposure towards risks, and maximizing returns on your investments. 

This means that not only you can invest in the traditional sense but also venture into more exotic domains like options, futures, or even currencies. After all, you want to make sure you get the most out of your money, right?

5. Loans and Mortgages

Loans are something most people will need to deal with eventually if they want a house, car, or any other type of luxury good for that matter. 

It's important to know what types of loans are available, the pros and cons of each type as well as how interest rates affect your monthly payments or purchases, it all comes down to understanding risk management.


So there you have them, 5 pretty good reasons why studying finance is a great idea. Of course, this list doesn't cover everything involved with finance courses but should give you an idea about some of the basics that often get overlooked by other degrees. 

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By Gerald Cagle
Added Nov 15 '21


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