How to Book Multi-City Flights on British Airways? from Sharly Smith's blog

Book Now, Multi-City Flights on British Airways

1.To book multi-city flights on British Airways, follow these steps:

2.Go to the British Airways website ( and click on the "Book" tab.

3.Select the "Multi-city" option.

4.Enter your departure and arrival cities, dates, and the number of passengers traveling.

5.Click on "Add another flight" to add additional flights to your itinerary.

6.Repeat step 3 for each flight you wish to add.

7.Review your itinerary and select your preferred flight options.

8.Enter your personal information and payment details to complete the booking process.

Alternatively, you can also book  Multi-City Flights British Airways through a travel agent or by calling their customer service. The British Airways customer service number for the United States is 1-800-247-9297.

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By Sharly Smith
Added Mar 21 '23



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