You can now consistently shots that are green with your jump shot from sage's blog

Sounds easy NBA 2K MT enough perfect? Just play some rec and park and you will discover your time right? Practice makes perfect, so it is time to go the mycourt, into your private hypebolic time chamber. The mycourt has one feature that will turn you in sniper: the ball system. Ball dominant guards may want to practice in just shoot, but it doesn't hurt to understand your grab and take time. The ball machine will become your best friend. Walk into your mycourt and press and it should bring up a listing of modes, then pick ball system. My routine is to follow the basic 3pt contest system, take 5 shots the top of the key and wing.

I go until I can green from every area for 3 straight trials. Sometimes I do it some times, in 1 try. Relax and find out your timing, there is no messages or no stress. I typically play with a podcast or any music and just fire away shots. I would suggest going to the point for an hour for those seeking to perfect their timing. Because they understand their shot the reason these elites can green at will is, there is no guesswork.

You can now consistently shots that are green with your jump shot, so now it's time to disrupt your routine. You got attached to the bar didn't you? Why, although you will observe players rarely use a pub? If you struggle with shooter time it would not turn off. But if you understand your timing nicely you'll see higher."

To translate for those who don't speak 2K, it penalizes and makes it a lot easier to shots. In my view it's really simpler to shoot with no pub since I snapped the animation of my player/muscle memory of my shooter, rather than trying to time a pub. No pub shooting will seem demanding at first after you begin to green that's not any going back to the pub, but I promise you. This might not be the case for 2K23 but I hope they do because it's one of the skill gaps in NBA 2K23 Buy NBA 2K MT in my opinion.

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