Easyflexibility from Easyflexibility's blog

I struggle with self compassion. I have recently noticed that in the name of growth and learning I put myself through more than I would put anyone I love.

This is because the beginning of an endeavor is full of wonder and curiosity, full of hard work and a sort of life-affirming effortless effort, and before I know it I am suffering and feel I have the responsibility to keep going.

Something incredible is waiting on the other side, I tell myself. The gift is a lesson, or an awakening, and all I need to do is survive this.

It’s a mark of wisdom to quit, I think. To cut your losses. But how do you know when?

This is what I’m thinking about when I walk into my yoga class. My teacher Pete is doing a back bending class that culminates in a pose I am eons from being able to do: King Pigeon.

After years of doing yoga I know the big lesson is to accept where I am at, but there I am, an amateur, trying to push my body into this pose I can’t do.

How do I improve if I don’t try? How do I know if I’m doing too much or not enough?

“Adjust the pose” Pete says. “If you are in pain, it’s time to try something different.”

For joint aches I would recommend mobility exercises. If it is knee joint issues, knee circles are very helpful. If it is shoulder joints, shoulder rolls and other shoulder mobility exercises will be quite helpful.

For muscle pain or aches I would recommend foam rolling and yoga stretches. For lower body you can try pigeon poses, hamstring stretches, glute bridges, king pigeon, etc. For upper body you can try cobra, puppy dog, eagle arms, cow face, etc.

Pigeon Pose can be a lifesaver for anyone who spends a lot of time in a seated position at a desk every day. It's a posture that works to open the hips and increase the femur bone rotation at the socket of the hip. It's also highly effective for protecting the knees and lower back, two of the most common areas on the body that can make mobility a challenge. Incorporating Pigeon Pose into your practice is an excellent way to open the hips, reduce pain, and give you the flexibility needed for taking on more challenging poses.

What Is The Pigeon Pose?

Pigeon Pose is a hip-opening posture in which one leg is bent in front of you, your other leg is pointed straight back, and your hips are square to the front of your mat. You should feel a stretch in your hips and no pain in your knees. The pose is a variant of Eka Pada Rajakapotasana, One-Legged King Pigeon pose.

It is often performed incorrectly, which can be dangerous, so learning the proper alignment in the pose is key. You must be cognizant of keeping your hips square and your rear leg in a neutral (non-rotated) position. If your front leg's thigh is floating, you can sit on a bolster or yoga block in order to maintain alignment.

What Are The Benefits Of The Pigeon Pose?

You may want to learn how to do Pigeon Pose for the many benefits it offers the body and mind. The Pigeon yoga pose offers the following advantages:

Opens The Hip Joint

The hip is a joint that uses a ball and socket structure where rotation is essential. The Pigeon Pose allows you to give this joint a good workout and contributes healthy flexibility and extension of the knee and the hip.

Reduces Back Pain

When your hip flexors are too tight, that can negatively impact your lower back. When the hip flexors are more open and loose, you won't arch your back more than is necessary.

Provides Stress Relief

When we feel stress or trauma, we tend to carry those feelings in our hips, making them tight and rigid. It leads to pain, poor posture, and increased worry and anxiety. Pigeon Pose can alleviate all of that stress and strain on the body and mind.


What Does the Pigeon Pose Stretch?

Pigeon stretch poses are ideal for releasing stress by stretching the hip rotators at the buttocks region and the hip flexors located around the pelvis and front thighs. When you stretch these areas, you are promoting healthy flexibility in the hips.


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By Easyflexibility
Added Jun 28 '22



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